Audio-visual project titled ‘To Her, From Him’ by Michael Matovu
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We are happy to announce the winner of the second “Small Project Grant” 2019: Michael Matovu. He will be using the 2.000.000 UGX to create an audio, visual and interactive project titled ‘To Her, From Him’. Michael was developing this project since the start of 2019 – The project is comprised of a 4 song musical EP with accompanying visual content, a short film/documentary, as well a series of group conversations and discussions between Michael – the producer – and a public audience. The project is themed around gender equality, equity and the celebration of women.
Michael Matovu, otherwise known as Mike256, is an audio producer, audio engineer, recording artist and content creator. With close to 10 years active experience in the creative arts and audio production industry, Mike has used his art to tell stories, as well as create content to empower and inform audiences. Mike spends the majority of his time creating original audio content for multimedia productions as well as for learning/training and informational purposes. Through his music, Mike likes to focus his song writing towards social issues, with a soft spot for gender equality and feminism, child welfare, education and love. His sound is often described as experimental and outside of the box, but Mike prefers to use the term “genre non-specific”.
“Very often, men are left out of the conversations regarding women empowerment, gender equality and the role of women in society. Other times patriarchy tries to dictate the values, roles and perceptions of women in different social settings. Yet, as times have changed, so have some of the views of some men. As a feminist, I have taken it upon myself to interact and engage with women, to better appreciate their realities, to listen and learn from their experiences, as well as to grow my mind set as a man. This project aims at fuelling healthy discussions between men and women on topics often considered too sensitive or not suitable for a male to have.”