*This information is supplied without liability and is subject to change

1 Teaching Unit is 45 minutes

Option 1

Normal Courses

Normal courses (A1.1/2; A2.1/2; B1.1/2; B2.1/2; C1.2): 6 weeks -
3 Teaching Units per day. Cover half the level in six weeks.


A1.1: UGX 600,000 (books inclusive)
A1.2: UGX 500,000
A2.1 UGX 600,000 (Books inclusive)

A2.2 UGX 500,000
B1.1: UGX 650,000 (books inclusive)
B1.2: UGX 550,000
B2.1 / B2.2: UGX 650,000 each (books inclusive)
C1.2: UGX 650,000 (books inclusive)

These prices include books for the course and UGCS membership (UGX 30,000).

Times (2024)Course datesRegistration dates
April intake11:30 — 14:00 08.04.2024 — 16.05.202411.03.2024 — 02.04.2024
May intake13:00 — 15:3027.05.2024 — 03.07.202429.04.2024 — 17.05.2024
July intake11:30 — 14:0008.07.2024 — 13.08.202403.06.2024 — 28.06.2024
August intake13:00 — 15:3022.08.2024 — 27.09.202422.07.2024 — 12.08.2024
September intake11:30 — 14:0030.09.2024 — 06.11.202426.08.2024 — 20.09.2024


Option 2

Intensive Course 

Acquire one level in 7 weeks, in either a morning or afternoon class. This price includes books for the course and UGCS membership (UGX 30,000).

Intensive course (A1-C1): 7 weeks — 4 Teaching Units per day – 5 days per week

Two options in one day:

1.      Morning    08:00 — 11:15
2.      Afternoon 14:30 — 17:45


A1, A2 - UGX 1,080,000
B1, B2 - UGX 1,200,000
C1.1 - UGX 650,000

TimesCourse datesRegistration dates
April intake1.      08:00 — 11:15

2.      14:30 — 17:45

 08.04.2024 — 24.05.202411.03.2024 — 02.04.2024
July intake1.      08:00 — 11:15

2.      14:30 — 17:45

08.07.2024 — 21.08.202403.06.2024 — 28.06.2024
September intake1.      08:00 — 11:15

2.      14:30 — 17:45

30.09.2024 — 14.11.202426.08.2024 — 20.09.2024


Option 3

Alpha Course

Learners develop fundamental skills in reading and writing using the German language. Price includes books and UGCS membership (UGX 30,000).

Alpha: 4 weeks – 3 Teaching Units per day – 5 days per week
Price: UGX 500,000 per module


TimesCourse datesRegistration dates
April intakeMonday — Friday

11:30 — 14:00

 08.04.2024 — 07.05.202411.03.2024 — 02.04.2024
May intakeMonday — Friday

13:00 — 15:30

27.05.2024 — 24.06.202429.04.2024 — 17.05.2024
July intakeMonday — Friday

11:30 — 14:00

08.07.2024 — 02.08.202403.06.2024 — 28.06.2024
August intakeMonday — Friday

13:00 — 15:30

22.08.2024 — 18.09.202422.07.2024 — 12.08.2024
September intakeMonday — Friday

11:30 — 14:00

30.09.2024 — 28.10.202426.08.2024 — 20.09.2024
November intakeMonday — Friday

13:00 — 15:30

18.11.2024 — 13.12.202421.10.2024 — 08.11.2024


Option 4

Extensive Course

Cover half of the level in eight weeks. The price includes books for the course and UGCS membership (UGX 30,000).

Evening classes suitable for those who work during the day (A1.1/2; A2.1/2; B1.1/2; B2.1/2; C1.1/2): 8 weeks – 3 Teaching Units per day – 3 days per week

One class per day:

18:00 — 20:30


Part 1: UGX 600,000 (books inclusive)

Part 2: UGX 500,000

TimesDates for next classesRegistration time
April intakeMonday — Wednesday

18:00 — 20:30

08.04.2024 — 05.06.202411.03.2024 — 02.04.2024
June intakeMonday — Wednesday

18:00 — 20:30

17.06.2024 — 07.08.202420.05.2024 — 07.06.2024
August intakeMonday — Wednesday

18:00 — 20:30

19.08.2024 — 14.10.202422.07.2024 — 09.08.2024
October intakeMonday — Wednesday

18:00 — 20:30

21.10.2024 — 11.12.202423.09.2024 — 11.10.2024


Option 5

Super-Intensive Course

Acquire one level in four weeks. Price includes books and UGCS membership (UGX 30,000). The Super-Intensive course is offered at all levels (A1-B2). The C1 level is divided into two modules (C1.1 and C1.2).

Super-Intensive Course (A1-B2): 4 weeks – 5 Teaching Units per day – 5 days per week 

One class per a day: 8:30 — 12:30

Price: UGX 1,000,000

*C1.1 & C1.2 : 500,000 per module

TimesCourse datesRegistration dates

8:30 — 12:30

04.06.2024 — 01.07.202402.05.2024 — 24.05.2024

8:30 — 12:30

26.08.2024 — 20.09.202429.07.2024 — 16.08.2024

8:30 — 12:30

18.11.2024 — 13.12.202421.10.2024 — 08.11.2024


Private and Company Course

Individual courses are offered for German, English and Luganda for the most personal and concentrated experience in learning a language. Every aspect of your study is catered to your needs and aims.

Please note: A minimum booking of six hours is required, consumable in two weeks. Additional fees will be charged for books.



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The above named persons are not authorized to represent GZK/UGCS in any way or transact any business on behalf of the company. Whoever deals with them on matters relating to GZK/UGCS does so at their own risk.