Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
There are 3 basic levels of the CEFR, which are:
A: Elementary language use, B: Independent use of language, C: Competent language use
These are then further divided into a total of 6 levels of language proficiency

A1 - Beginner
A1 - Beginner
At level A1 you can already understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences aimed at satisfying concrete needs. You can introduce yourself and others and ask people questions about themselves – e.g. where they live, what kind of people they know or what kind of things they have – and you can answer questions of this kind. So you can communicate in a simple way if the people you talk to speak slowly and clearly and are willing to help. That's already quite a lot!
You can enroll in our A1 courses and also register for the Goethe-Certificate A1. Find more info about times and costs here.
A1 Start Deutsch 1 is a requirement for:
- Au-Pair in Germany and Austria
- Family Re-Union visa
- Long-term stay
- Masters Study in English

A2 - Basic knowledge
A2 - Basic knowledge
At A2 you can already understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. personal and family information, shopping, work, local area). You can also communicate in simple, routine situations involving a simple and direct exchange of information about familiar and common things. You can also use simple means to describe your own background and education, your immediate environment, and things related to immediate needs.
You can enroll in our A2 courses. Find more info about course times and costs in here. Unfortunately, the GZK does not offer a B2 level exam. For this, please contact the nearest Goethe Institute in Nairobi.
A2 Start Deutsch 2 is a requirement for:
- Masters Study in English
- Bachelors Study in English
- Proof of elementary proficiency in German
Level : A1, A2
10 weeks
5 days per week
160 teaching units per course
Level offered: A1 - A2
Level : A1.1, A1.2, A2.1, A2.2
5 weeks
5 days per week
80 teaching units per course

B1 - Advanced language use
B1 - Advanced language use
With B1 you can already understand the main points when clear standard language is used and when it comes to familiar things from work, school, leisure, etc.. You can handle most situations you might encounter while traveling in the language area. You can also express yourself simply and coherently on familiar topics and areas of personal interest, talk about experiences and events, describe dreams, hopes and ambitions, and give brief reasons or explanations for plans and opinions.
You can enroll in our B1 courses. Find more info about course times and costs here.
You can also take the Goethe-Zertifikat B1 with us. With the certified B1 level you can apply for the volunteer service in Germany.
Goethe-Zertifikat B1 is a requirement for:
- Voluntary Social Year in Germany FSJ and other voluntary work
- German citizenship
- Hotel and tourism industry

B2 - Independent use of language
B2 - Independent use of language
At level B2 you are already very proficient in the language! You can understand the main content of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics and even understand technical discussions in your own special field. So you can communicate spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is well possible without major effort on both sides. This means you can express yourself clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, explain a point of view on a current issue, and give the advantages and disadvantages of different options.
Goethe-Zertifikat B2 is a requirement for:
- Study at Studienkolleg
- Federal Voluntary Service BFD
- Many careers requiring business German proficiency
- study at selected universities: Look here to see if your university of choice is included
General information on the recognition of the Goethe B2 certificate can be found here
You can learn more about studying in Germany here and here
Unfortunately, the GZK does not offer B2 level exams. Please contact the nearest Goehte-Institut in Nairobi.
You can enroll in our B2 courses. Find more info about course times and costs here.
Level: B.2.1, B.2.2, C.1.1, C1.2
10 weeks
3 days per week
100 teaching units per course

C1 - Expert Language Skills
C1 - Expert Language Skills
Demanding and longer texts are no longer a problem for you! You already have a feel for the language and can also grasp implicit meanings. You can converse spontaneously and fluently with native speakers without having to search for clearly recognizable words. You can use the language effectively and flexibly in social and professional life or in training and studies and can express yourself clearly, in a structured and detailed manner on complex issues, making appropriate use of various means of linking texts.
You can enroll in our C1 courses. Find more info about course times and costs here.
Unfortunately, the GZK does not offer a C1 level exam. For this, please contact the nearest Goehte Institute in Nairobi.
Goethe-Zertifikat C1 is a requirement for:
- Study at Studienkolleg
- Federal Voluntary Service (BFD)
- Many careers requiring business German proficiency
You can learn more about studying in Germany here and here.
You can find information about the recognition of the Goethe C1 certificate here

C2 - Approximately native language skills
C2 - Approximately native language skills
Now you can easily understand virtually anything you read or hear. You can easily summarize information from various written and spoken sources, giving reasons and explanations in a coherent presentation. You can express yourself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, and can also make finer nuances of meaning clear in more complex situations.
Goethe-Zertifikat C2 is a requirement for:
- Teaching, Translation/Interpretation
- Studies at German Universities
You can learn more about studying in Germany here and here.
Unfortunately, the GZK does not offer a C2 level course or exam. For this, please contact the nearest Goethe Institute in Nairobi.
Level: C.1.1, C1.2
10 weeks
3 days per week
100 teaching units per course