30 Years of Bananas
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Written by Playwrights Playhouse
On February 21st, 2025, Playwrights Playhouse (Wava Theatre) staged the musical theatre performance “30 Years of Bananas,” written by Alex Mukulu and directed by Philip Luswata.
The play was well received and appreciated, while it also created equal apprehension over its strong political theme on the leadership history of Uganda. It was appreciated as a relevant choice to create very relevant conversations on the political future of Uganda, especially to the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2026. The cast and production team gave a committed and technically astute performance that attracted critical acclaim. The show was skillfully directed to balance the play’s historical with its modern relevance. It was well-paced, with focused actor renditions that created impactful chemistry with the audience. The show was as comic as it was serious.