August 2024 Cultural Program

Goethe-Zentrum Kampala/Ugandan German Cultural Society (UGCS) is excited to announce our August 2024 Cultural Program! This month, we have an engaging lineup of events that celebrate literature, storytelling, and creative expression. Mark your calendars and join us for the following events: Where Rivers Go to Die Join us for a riveting book reading and Q&A…

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MIFT Mbale Edition

On Friday 7th June 2024, we set off for Mbale district in Eastern Uganda for the Moving Identities Fim Tour via Gayaza onto Jinja-Iganga highway to avoid the morning traffic. Soon the flat landscape that is a staple to the Eastern region greeted us as we drew closer to our accommodation. We checked in and…

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Sisi Film Lab

Written by Sisi Film Lab team Sisi Film Lab is a film training initiative that happens in five districts of Uganda, and is run by Sisi Film Collective, a non-profit platform for Ugandan filmmakers to network and collaborate. The Kampala edition of the lab, supported by GZK/UGCS and The DOEN Foundation, is scheduled to run…

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Acting Masterclass by Kemiyondo Coutinho

On Thursday 11th January 2024, in an immersive Acting Masterclass led by the talented Kemiyondo Coutinho, participants experienced a dynamic blend of fun and engagement. The diverse group, comprising both seasoned actors and aspiring talents, delved into crucial takeaways, emphasizing the significance of being actively present, self-focused, and tapping into your emotional depths to deliver…

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We in collaboration with Skillz East Africa hosted our latest podcast after tumultuous events caused by the pandemic. Skillz East Africa, sat down with Shane to talk about starting and sustaining a dance movement; its impact on the larger dance community, what to know, when to collaborate, and organizing LGD’s biggest event yet in September,…

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In July 2020, we introduced a new establishment: the GZK Podcast. An audio series by Goethe-Zentrum Kampala/ UGCS representing a monthly dive into cultural project processes in Uganda. The podcast mirrors the background stories of our current co-funded projects, which touch on interdisciplinary art fields. The format gives the audience a closer look on what’s…

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