If you have some knowledge of German, you can take our placement test to determine your level. The test is available for free online here: TEST YOUR GERMAN

You can also take the test at our premises for the following prices:

Walk-in: UGX 50,000

By appointment: UGX 40,000

For further information contact: info@goethezentrumkampala.org



We offer translation services of English texts into German and vice versa.

Price (delivered within 5 working days):

Documents with font size 12 or larger with normal/large margins: 100,000 UGX per page

Documents with font size 11 or smaller with small margins: 150,000 UGX per page

We also translate Luganda documents into English.


Individual courses are offered in German, Luganda and English at any time and progress of the student’s study. It is the most personal and concentrated experience in studying languages. Every aspect of your study is subject to your needs and aims.

Please note: a minimum booking of six hours is required, consumable within two weeks. Additional fees will be charged for books

Tuition Fees:

Private lessons at company/home, 90 minutes (within Kampala)

Private lesson, 1 person: UGX 140,000

Private / corporate lesson, 2-4 persons: UGX 90,000

Private / corporate lesson, 5-10 persons: UGX 30,000

Private / corporate lesson, 11-16 person: UGX 20,000

Private lessons, 60 minutes (at Goethe-Zentrum Kampala)

Private lesson, 1 person: UGX 65,000

Private / corporate lesson, 2-4 persons: UGX 35,000

Private / corporate lesson, 5-10 persons: UGX 20,000

Books are sold separately, the prices range from UGX 80,000 – UGX 160,000 depending on the level

For further information, please contact us at info@goethezentrumkampala.org


The Goethe-Zentrum Kampala also offers German students in Uganda the possibility to locally supervise the examinations of their German University.

Price per exam supervised : UGX 470,000

For more information on this, confer with your University in Germany and with the Head of the Language Department here in Uganda

Contact: language@goethezentrumkampala.org