“Kikommando” by Elizabeth Pamela Acaye
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On the 16th of July, Goethe’s rooftop terrace was the stage for the premiere of ‘Kikommando’, a Dance Theatre Production created and choreographed by Elizabeth Pamela Acaye. During a two-week creative residency with four dance artists from Uganda, hosted by The Theatre Company of Kenya (directed by Keith Pearson) at Karichota retreat, Acaye has carefully designed the performance outlines which traverse cultural motifs and query gendered movements through choreography, spoken-word and costume. On this aforesaid Saturday evening societal issues were being reinterpreted through contemporary dramatic expression techniques whilst the performers could demonstrate the vast variety of their talents. By focusing on the re-crafting of traditional choreographies and on syncing them with contemporary motifs, the performance put physical bodies as conveyors of intercultural tolerance and freedom of sexuality into the center of attention. Having been equipped with wonderful costumes by Gloria Wavamunno, the artists showed off their skills and deeply charmed the rooftop terrace while asking uncomfortable questions about diversity, gender and societal exclusion. A second show took place at Design Hub Kampala on Sunday 17th of June.