“Ku Kyooto” by Giovanni Kiyingi
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Goethe-Zentrum’s rooftop was fully packed when singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Giovanni Kiyingi presented his new project “Ku Kyooto” on the 18th of May 2018. The project was conceptualized as the recreation of ancient spaces, namely bonfire areas (Kukyooto) where acoustic music was being played, everyday stories were being shared and history was being delivered to posterity. In former times knowledge was being transferred from one generation to the other through music, poems, sayings and riddles. Kiyingi’s performance aimed to bring people close to what used to be these specific study places of languages, manners, and the upbringing of Ugandans. During the evening the audience gradually dissolved into the vibe and atmosphere of these social gatherings, as Kiyingi used several indigenous instruments that include Endingidi, Akogo, Adungu, Amadiinda, Engoma, Janzi and Endere during his journey through times and spaces.