Human Rights are Universal Art Festival

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In cooperation with EAVA Artists we hosted the second edition of the Human Rights are Universal Art Festival on 6th October. This annual festival serves as a platform that harnesses the transformative power of art to champion social justice causes and advocate for the universality of human rights. With the goal of fostering understanding among artists engaged in activism, the event sought to bring together diverse voices, including human rights activists, art enthusiasts, and individuals from Civil Society Organizations, aiming to cultivate collaboration, promote activism and, notably, economically empower artists.

This year’s theme, “Imagine an independent world,” was aimed at seeing Uganda through the lens of the artists. The central goal of the event aligned with the spirit of Uganda’s Independence Day, as the primary objective was to foster awareness about the profound significance of universal human rights. Through various artistic mediums, the event served as a catalyst for meaningful dialogue, empathy, and tangible, actionable change. Against the backdrop of Independence Day, artists were uniquely challenged to envision and create a Uganda they would love to see. As Uganda is still in independence month, the festival became a platform for artists to articulate their dreams and aspirations for the nation. Through their creative expressions, they embarked on a collective movement, inspiring fellow citizens to join in envisioning and actively contributing to a Uganda characterised by unity, justice, and a celebration of diversity.

The festival was followed by a 5 day exhibition at Xenson Art Space from the 9th – 13th October, 2023. The exhibition was crowned by a living libraries dialogue where the artists shared the stories behind the works they created for this exhibition.