What It Means To Be A Woman Creative in Uganda

Home » What It Means To Be A Woman Creative in Uganda

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In honour of Women’s History Month, Goethe-Zentrum Kampala/Ugandan German Cultural Society (GZK/UGCS) hosted a captivating panel discussion under the theme “What it means to be a woman creative in Uganda.”

This insightful event aimed to illuminate the personal and illustrious journeys of women such as Lyn Bahati (Interior Designer & Founder, House of Ndinda), Fiona Kemigisha (Digital Content Creator), Nabaggala Lilian Maximillian (Dance practitioner & Choreographer) and Esther Nakaziba (Film make-up artist & costume designer). These women are thriving in their various creative fields, breaking ground and leaving a trail for many women to emulate.

The panel was moderated by the esteemed Rita Kanya, news anchor and reporter at NTV Uganda, who expertly steered the panel enabling the audience to gain insight into each woman’s story. She asked questions centering on why they all set out to do what they are doing and how vital time and consistency are in pursuit of one’s dreams.

Throughout the discussion, these exceptional women shared their transformative journeys, from breaking societal norms to pursuing their creative passions, which have blossomed into successful careers. Their narratives resonated deeply with our audience, who eagerly absorbed valuable insights and practical lessons such as making use of mentorship spaces, the use of social media in creating personal and business brands, good communication and practising professionalism when dealing with people.

The panel discussion not only celebrated the achievements of women creatives but also served as a source of inspiration for aspiring talents, encouraging them to embrace their creativity and forge their own paths to success.

Stay tuned for more enriching events and discussions at GZK as we continue to champion creativity and empowerment in Uganda.