Workshops for Artists
The Moving Identities Film Tour
Goethe-Zentrum Kampala/Ugandan German Cultural Society and Alliance Française Kampala, funded by the German Franco Cultural Fund are organizing the Moving Identities Film Tour (MIFT) as part of pre-Ngalabi celebrations in June 2024. This initiative is aimed to bring short films closer to other regions of Uganda away from Kampala with a specific focus on Mbarara…
Read MoreDesign Garage – Kampala Design Week
The Kampala Design Week unfolded from November 27th to December 1st, 2023 and attracted over 370 participants across its programing. It showcased a multifaceted exploration of design, its applications, and its influence on the cultural and creative industries. The event’s narrative was woven through studio tours, expert panels, and innovative technology showcases, underscoring the theme…
Read MoreAgandy Studio Talk: ‘Savings & Investments for Gig Creatives’
On 23rd November Agandy Studios hosted another of their amazing Studio Talks aiming to educate and empower creatives by informing them about their rights, opportunities and responsibilities in business. For many creatives, passion precedes entrepreneurship, and they struggle to balance the business with the creative pursuits. That’s why this Studio Talk was all about ‘Savings…
Read More‘Finding Your Style’ – with Agandy Studios
Agandy Studios regularly host Studio Talks, a creative hub where creatives gather to learn from one another, engage in insightful discussions and build connections. The goal is to educate and empower creatives by informing them about their rights, opportunities and responsibilities in business. Their session on 26th October had the topic ‘Finding your style’ was…
Read MoreCreative AI Hackathon
We partnered up with Martin Kharumwa for a Creative AI Hackathon. 25 artists from different disciplines collaborated at the Afropocene studio, as well as remotely, during an experimental 3-day creative hackathon session. The goal of the project was to demystify AI generative art, and invite contemporary artists to participate in creating a successful project using…
Read More“Leave the Cat Alone! (or BLEEP Save the Cat!)”
What is a story? It’s a simple enough question. Or at least it should be. Especially for a room full of writers who’s calling is to well, tell stories. People, who, in another time might have been Seers or Oracles or Orators who held onto and passed on the history and knowledge of their people.…
Read More‘How I learned to stop worrying and screenwrite with Adjani Salmon’
I had the privilege of attending a Screenwriting Masterclass by Adjani Salmon, hosted by Goethe Zentrum and British Council. Prior to the announcement of the masterclass, I hadnever heard of Adjani, but after a deep social-media-dive, I found out this guy was a BAFTAaward-winning writer and actor. What?! So, I quickly binge-watched his series “DreamingWhilst…
Read More‘Misunderstood Creatives: Navigating Misconceptions’ with Agandy Studios
Agandy Studios regularly host Studio Talks, a creative hub where creatives gather to learn from one another, engage in insightful discussions and build connections. The goal is to educate and empower creatives by informing them about their rights, opportunities and responsibilities in business. Agandy Studios not only creates a platform for creatives to collaborate, mentor…
Read MoreFilm Possible Ngalabi Workshop
To build up to our short film festival Ngalabi, Film Possible conducted a 5-day workshop with young people interested in film. The workshop focused on how to pitch your idea and how to collaborate.Throughout the week they were divided in groups and at the end of the week, they pitch the ideas to the mentors.…
Read MoreTebere Arts Foundation- Online Scenography Workshop with Frieda Schneider
The workshop on scenography was one of the Tebere Arts Foundation’s series of mentorship activities for the 2021/22 emerging artists cohort. The facilitator was Frieda Schieder, a renowned scenographer from Germany but who has worked across Europe as well as in Cairo, Egypt. The objective of the workshop was to build capacity for the emerging…
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